Assistance for Research paper writing and publication
Over the years, it has become mandatory for the Research scholars to publish their research work, in at least two of the well reputed journals with high impact factor. The research scholar must write a manuscript of his/her research work initially for submission under the Journals with ISI impact factor such as Springer, Elsevier, IEEE, Taylor and Francis and many other Open Access Journals pertaining to domain of interest.
We at Researchinkscripts have a team of technical experts who aid in developing the manuscripts for conferences, review papers, research journals and also for papers with mathematical models, empirical studies as well as research works with implementation. We develop the manuscript with plagiarism free content, which enhances the degree of manuscript acceptance by the journal.
Our company also assists in journal paper publications. Technical experts help in finding the desired and well suited journals for submission of your manuscript. The team also provides an excellent and continuous support regarding the status and progress of your research paper publication.
If you find the research paper to be unsatisfactory, we provide support in editing and revision of the manuscript as per your specifications till you are satisfied with our work. Also, we abide by the terms and specifications which are devised by the university and the guide. We strictly follow
our confidentiality by not sharing personal credentials with any of the third party during our writing and publication support services.